Christ's prophecy in Genesis 49

Genesis 49 – Under the light of its parallel meaning


Genesis 49 relates the story of when Jacob called his sons, the fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel and blessed them, according to the traditional translation we read in our English bibles. 

The Hebrew language is extremely rich. God used this language to convey His message for humanity. More importantly, God used history and real situations to prophesy what His plan of salvation was. 

In Genesis 49 you will discover that there is a parallel message conveyed with this story when you check the meaning of the names of Jacob and each of their sons. The translation I present here to you comes from the transliteration of the names and each of the words of themasoretic Hebrew text of Genesis 49. 

For your understanding, in Hebrew some words may have multiple meanings. For example, the word מִשְׁכָּב (mishkab) which literally is a wooden place to rest, can mean bed, or coffin, or bier. Also, the names of people have their own meaning: A western example, Richard means strong; a biblical example, Abraham means Father of Multitude.

Using this technique the message below was extracted. I present the translation of Genesis 49 as found in the NIV to allow you compare. Both translations are valid, it's simply that God's words are full of multiple meanings, like puns. Only God can do something like this. I hope you enjoy this reading. 

Note: In brackets are notes for clarification and facilitation of the transliteration.
