Walking through the valley of the shadow of death...

 And finally the Covid 19 entered my house ...

My family and I have been very careful when mitigating the risk of contagion from Covid 19. Since the time the pandemic began, we have implemented several practices to reduce the risk of contagion. I imagine many of you have implemented similar mitigation measures. In addition to wearing masks, keeping your distance, avoiding social gatherings, continuous hand washing, at home we clean everything that comes from outside with alcohol. We change our clothes every time we come home. When we go out to a restaurant, we choose one with good ventilation or preferably with an outdoor environment, and we clean all the implements with alcohol. In addition to the actions previously listed, during these last 14 months we implemented an additional measure with the domestic help personnel. To reduce the risk, we pay a little more salary and have our helpers living with us. We try as much as possible to minimize risks. Also, as soon as we had access to vaccines, we vaccinated ourselves and our helpers. At the moment it has only been possible to access the first dose. We share mitigation measures with our families. Such is the case of my mother-in-law, who was widowed a year ago. My mother-in-law does not live in Jakarta, she lives in Bandung city, 2 hours from Jakarta. My mother-in-law has a companion lady who has also been living with her for a year. In her house they also implement measures similar to ours, and my mother-in-law practically does not leave her house. It turns out that 4 weeks ago, my mother-in-law and her companion lady came to spend a couple of weeks and accompany my wife on her birthday. We did not have a party to avoid the risk of Covid. Everything seemed to be working. Just one day before returning to Bandung, a little over two weeks ago, my mother-in-law's companion lady presented a slight hoarseness. It lasted one day. According to her, a pill she took was too big and it irritated her throat. Less than 24 hours later, two of my employees, my wife and my mother-in-law began to say that they felt a tickle in the throat, as with dryness. My mother-in-law returned to Bandung like this. The next day, Saturday, I noticed two of the employees here at home wearing masks indoors at home. A couple of hours later, one of them developed a fever. Being late Saturday afternoon, I looked on google maps where the site for a quick antigen test was located. I drove the patient and they took the sample at the the drive through test site. My plan was for it to come out negative and have peace of mind. However, after 15 minutes we received an email with a positive result. We immediately isolate the symptomatic patients and the confirmed positive. We decided to buy quick tests and do the tests at home on Monday afternoon. Also my wife and I decided to do PCR tests. In the end, the result was that 60% of the people came out positive, including my wife and mother-in-law. The stress was tremendous, because just a few weeks ago a close friend was in a coma for 4 days due to the covid. The worst thoughts come to mind. However, I decided with my children to pray for everyone. We made a short prayer; and to tell the truth my thoughts were run over. But we pray for the protection of the Lord. Unfortunately, these last two weeks the cases of Covid in Indonesia have multiplied by almost 10 times. Access to hospitals and even doctors is almost impossible. No one came to see us after reporting the positive cases to the government. We decided to protect the children by dividing the house into two zones, and to use telemedicine and delivery service to support the patients that The Lord gave me. Fortunately, during the past 14 months we have been informed about prophylactic and early treatment treatments for Covid. Many of the vitamins and antivirals that we had bought in case we were in a situation like this, are also part of the recommended protocol here in Indonesia. It was a blessing that God led us to be prepared ahead of time. This allowed us to strengthen our bodies to attack the virus in the viral phase. Thank goodness none of the sick people developed severe lung symptoms. In fact, most of them didn't even develop a cough. We continuously monitored the temperature and oxygen concentration in the hemoglobin. The most stressful moments occurred after the fifth day of symptoms. They say that from day 5 to 8 the symptoms can get worse. My mother-in-law in those days began to develop chills, a complete lack of appetite and partial anosmia. My wife had the strongest weakness and one of the employees had the strongest fever symptoms. Every time someone slightly coughs, it is a terrifying noise. You don't know if the person is getting worse. You ask God continually for protection. You also start You also start to think about what if it you get sick, and who would take care of the children...
The nights became short, the fatigue was evident after a few days. However, God was faithful. He answered our prayers. We had asked Him that everything we took would protect those infected and those not infected. We prayed that antivirals would work and immune systems would be strengthened. Thank God, He answered us. Yesterday being the last day of isolation, with all the people free of symptoms, in my devotion I read Isaiah 14:27
If the Lord Almighty has determined it, who can prevent it? If he has reached out his hand, who can stop it?

6 years ago when we moved to West Africa we prayed to the Lord to protect us from contracting malaria. For 5 years that we lived there, thanks to him we did not contract malaria. When the Covid pandemic started, we prayed in a similar way. However on this occasion we had to live the disease very closely. However, God blessed us by protecting us all, and by allowing only mild symptoms. Many other people suffer more difficult situations and I pray to the Lord for them. Many do not have access to buy vitamins, oxygen. Many die at home because they cannot access a home in a clinic or hospital. These are hard times. Yet God reminded me of Psalm 23: 4
Even if I go through dark valleys, I do not fear any danger because you are by my side; your shepherd's rod comforts me.

The truth is that God protected us and avoided further consequences. And I am extremely grateful to Him. I give Him the glory while I share this testimony with you. However, I also know that in other situations the result can be harsher. No matter what the situation is, God promises that He will be by our side. In addition, we must not forget that one day we will also be in his presence, and he will wipe away all tears (Revelation 21: 4). For now, God's will is that we continue here. He he has a purpose for us, which is why he keeps us here on earth. I hope that today you remember that God has you here for a purpose. What do you think it is?
