Let Ibn Abbas tell us what he thought of the books of the Bible

Let Ibn Abbas tell us what he thought of the books of the Bible

I’ve been studying in more detail hadiths and commentaries (tafsirs) regarding the position and views of early Islam towards the Bible.  I came across an article from Gordon Nickel PhD titled “Narratives of Tampering in the Earliest Commentaries of the Qur'an” (link http://www.quranandinjil.org/welcome) in which is claimed that early Islam did not disregard the books of the Bible. In fact it’s claimed that trustworthiness of the books preceding the Qur’an was critical to sustain Islam. DoctorGordon Nickel claims that only after the 11th century the claims about corruption and lack of trustworthiness arose.

Many people contend this view. They claim for example that for Ibn Abbas the books were not worthy, based on the following Sahih Hadith:
Chapter: Al-Mushrikun should not be asked to give witness
Narrated Ubaidullah bin `Abdullah bin `Utba:
Ibn `Abbas said, "O Muslims? How do you ask the people of the Scriptures, though your Book (i.e. the Qur'an) which was revealed to His Prophet is the most recent information from Allah and you recite it, the Book that has not been distorted? Allah has revealed to you that the people of the scriptures have changed with their own hands what was revealed to them and they have said (as regards their changed Scriptures): This is from Allah, in order to get some worldly benefit thereby." Ibn `Abbas added: "Isn't the knowledge revealed to you sufficient to prevent you from asking them? By Allah I have never seen any one of them asking (Muslims) about what has been revealed to you."
Reference           : Sahih al-Bukhari 2685
In-book reference             : Book 52, Hadith 46
USC-MSA web (English) reference              : Vol. 3, Book 48, Hadith 850

Other hadiths also compiled by Bukhari and others, quoting this event are related in slightly different manner. In these versions of the hadith it is not clear if the books written were actually from the Bible or exegesis:
Narrated Ubaidullah:
Ibn `Abbas said, "Why do you ask the people of the scripture about anything while your Book (Qur'an) which has been revealed to Allah's Messenger () is newer and the latest? You read it pure, undistorted and unchanged, and Allah has told you that the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) changed their scripture and distorted it, and wrote the scripture with their own hands and said, 'It is from Allah,' to sell it for a little gain. Does not the knowledge which has come to you prevent you from asking them about anything? No, by Allah, we have never seen any man from them asking you regarding what has been revealed to you!"
 Reference          : Sahih al-Bukhari 7363
In-book reference             : Book  96, Hadith 90
USC-MSA web (English) reference              : Vol. 9, Book 92, Hadith 461   (deprecated numbering scheme)

I decided to look at the Tasir some claim is closest to the thoughts of Ibn Abbas, the Tanwīr al-Miqbās min Tafsīr Ibn 'Abbās (http://www.altafsir.com/Books/IbnAbbas.pdf). Accordint to the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic thought, "Tanwir al-Miqbas is often attributed to the Companion ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Abbas b. ‘Abd al-Muttalib (d. 68/687), cousin of the Prophet and father of the discipline of Qur­anic exegesis, or to the renowned Shafi‘I scholar Majd al-Din Muhammad Ibn Ya‘qub al-Firuzabadi (d. 817/1414). Despite its uncertain authorship, Tanwir al-Miqbas remains a pivotal work for the study of Islamic exegesis for the following reasons:

1.      The traditions attributed to Ibn ‘Abbas that are at the core of this work render it as a seminal work of exegesis.
2.      This commentary is unabridged and uncensored as are other works in the series.
3.      The work is an example of the tafsir type known as tafsir bi’l-riwaya or tafsir bi’l-ma’thur. That is, it contains reports going back to the Prophet (pbuh) or a Companion, in this case Ibn ‘Abbas.
4.      Tanwir al-Miqbas does not contain elaborate theological or philosophical explanations.
5.      Tanwir al-Miqbas does not contain the technical grammatical explanations commonly found in other works.
6.      Tanwir al-Miqbas is unencumbered by isnads or chains of transmission, occasionally found in other tafsir works, thus making the work accessible to the non-specialist.

After going through the tafsir, I’ve drawn the following statements. These statements summarize the opinion of Ibn Abbas with regards to the books of the Bible in his time (i.e. the time of the prophet):
1.      The religion of the Christians and the Jews was not the right one.
2.      Some Jews were not ignorant and stupid, those who believed in Muhammad as prophet and the Qur’an
3.      Some Jews simply did not want to believe in Muhammad even though they wanted and they had proofs
4.      The Qur’an must be believed by Jews and Christians, because it confirms the description and traits (prophecies) of Muhammad (in their books)
5.      The Jews demonstrated to be stubborn before, and it was expected that some wouldn’t believe in Muhammad. This is based on the story of the 70 men who did not believe in Moses even after listening to the words of God in Sinai
6.      At the time of the prophet there were some who wrote additional books to change the description and prophecies of Muhammad. These were jews and not all of them.
7.      Jews disbelieved in Muhammad and Jesus, and killed John the Baptist and Zachariah. They were guilty of killing and disbelieving in prophets
8.      The Qur’an confirms the books which were in their possession. Therefore these books were trustworthy. They contain the description of Muhammad
9.      Ibn Abbas considered the Jews stubborn for only believing in the Torah but not in the Qur’an and Muhammad as well. This is because in his mind there was no contradiction, he expected the Jews to believe in all books.
10.   The Jews were greedy and that could explain some of their behaviors
11.   The books were trustworthy, containing the description of the prophet. However, some Jews hid behind their backs the prophecies concerning Muhammad.
12.   The Jews did many things which were not in their books, for example sorcery
13.   Jews and Christians allegedly made claims not being in their books. Therefore one concludes Ibn Abbas considered that they just needed to look into their books for guidance. The Qur’an was confirmation and clarification of it.
14.   Some people of the book did not consider sufficient to look into the Bible and asked for God to speak from heaven about Muhammad’s prophethood. Ibn Abbas considered that it was sufficient with what was revealed in the books.
15.   Abdullah Ibn Salam, Bahirah the Monk, Negus were good people of the book, who believed and did not alter the previous books. This means that there were some people who did not distort the books
16.   The children of Israel would have a large punishment, because having a set of trustworthy books did not believe in Muhammad and the Qur’an
17.   Jews and Christians erred for not believing that Muhammad’s prophethood was foretold in their books
18.   Recognizing to Muhammad in the previous books was not too difficult. An example is Adbullah Ibn Salam, who recognized the prophet in the Torah of his time
19.   Ka'b Ibn al-Ashraf, Huyayy Ibn Akhtab and Judayy Ibn Akhtab were among some of the Jews who were considered to conceal (hide) the truths about Muhammad
20.   Those who find contradiction between the Qur’an and the Torah at that time should be condemned
21.   The Qur’an was in agreement with the Torah and the Gospel, it did not contradict them at the time of the prophet
22.   If there was any differences between Qur’an and Bible, it was on commandments which were abrogated
23.   The Qur’an clarified some difference in interpretation and claims from Jews and Christians with regards to portions of the Bible
24.   Ibn Abbas considered that the prophet of Islam was sincere
25.   Muhammad confirmed the previous scriptures and making some legal dispensations
26.   The Qu’ran corroborates the Torah and the Gospel
27.   There were Christians who apparently looked into the Bible and they did not agree that Muhammad was a promised prophet. Instead, they found more affinity with the description of the Antichrist.
28.   Jews and Christians must be punished for their disbelief. Because some distorted the books with their tongues saying statements not found in their scriptures. Their books were trustworthy, but some of them were not.
29.   The merits of Muhammad were to be easily found in the books of the Bible at that time
30.   In the Scriptures of Jews and Christians (at that time) were clear proofs about Islam,
31.   There was a group of believers who were blood related to Jews, and who had believed, who had acknowledged what was evident in the previous books.
32.   Part of the covenant of the people of the book was to exposit the description of Muhammad which is available in their books. However they broke this covenant.
33.   Those who willingly changed or denied any descriptions of Muhammad (which were available at the time of the prophet) will be punished.
34.   Al-Yasa' and Rafi' were example of Jews who despite of having knowledge of the Torah they were considered hypocrites for not holding unto the truth contained in it. Malik Ibn al-Sayf and his friends were example of Jews who changed words from the context. But the Torah remained intact because it was only distortion with their tongues. What they possessed was trustworthy.
35.   For those who disbelieved despite of having clear truth in previous books, hell was waiting for them.
36.   Some Jews were criticized for making usury lawful despite of not being lawful in their Torah. The Torah was referred as trustworthy.
37.   There were some Jews of the tribe of the prophet of Islam who were hypocrites, changing words from the previous books from their context
38.   Stoning and the description of Muhammad were examples of truths which were hidden by some Jews
39.   Jesus was a prophet who like Mohammad confirmed the Torah.
40.   The Qur’an confirmed some laws of the previous scriptures. The previous scriptures contained truth, but several laws were abrogated in the Qur’an. However the previous books still were trustworthy.
41.   The previous scriptures foretold the advent of the Qur’an. The judgment of People of the books against Muslims was unfair, given that they had trustworthy books.
42.   Jews and Christians are criticized for not believing what is (not what was) in the Torah and the Gospel about Muhammad
43.   The scriptures were trustworthy and those who fully believed in them were commended for this
44.   Those who didn’t believe on the previous books would show animosity against Muhammad, but those who believed in the Bible of the time would cry recognizing the prophet based on what the Bible contained
45.   It was common for Jews to deny prophets. It was not related to not having a trustworthy book, but just stubbornness.
46.   Malik Ibn al-Sayf, the Jew, claimed that Allah did not reveal any Scripture to human beings. He was accused of hiding portions of the Bible showing the prophethood of Mohammad.
47.   The Qur’an was revealed in agreement to the description of the prophet contained in the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and all other scriptures.
48.   The Jews were succeeded by gentiles because they hid the portions that demonstrated Mohammed was a prophet, though the books clearly showed it.
49.   Those who wrote other books saying it was from God are condemned for this and also for concealing the truth which was available to them. So the books were still trustworthy and available, despite of these other books.
50.   The Torah was right there if anyone wanted to believe in Muhammad.
51.   Reading the books of the Bible there was no doubt that the Qur’an and the prophet were foretold there, hence these books were trustworthy.
52.   In the Bible there were at the time of the prophet clear expositions of the description of Muhammad
53.   The books of the Bible were also guidance for the very same prophet. If he was in doubt of his prophethood he could ask the people who read the Bible books.
54.   The Qur'an is not an invented story, but a confirmation of the existing Scripture; a confirmation of the Torah, the Gospel and all the others scriptures.
55.   The Bible is trustworthy and sufficient to believe in the Qur’an
56.   The books of the Bible are as trustworthy as the Qur’an is because they are revealed in the same way
57.   The Qur’an and the books of the Bible are all as trustworthy, all coming from the Guarded Tablet. Therefore they don’t contradict each other
58.   It was recommended to the Muslims to say that they believe in all books and to avoid arguments
59.   In the Bible can be found that Muhammad is unlettered
60.   There were some people who distort the revelations, all of them, but it’s not mentioned lack of trustworthiness for the same
61.   Historically people had rejected revelations, so it was not surprise if they rejected the Qur’an which asked to look at previous scriptures
62.   The Qur’an was a revelation in the local language, unlike previous books, not contradicting them either
63.   Qur’an, Islam and the prophet were exposed on the previous books
64.   People of the book who believed are testimony of the trustworthiness of the previous books as well as the Qur’an
65.   People of the book are condemned for not following the truth of the Torah they have had even before the Qur’an was revealed
66.   24 monks in the Yemen and when they heard of the Prophet (pbuh) they believed in him and joined his religion. This people did believe in the Gospel they have had.
67.   Jesus and Muhammad came with clear proofs
68.   The Jews were commanded to reveal the traits and description of Muhammad in the Torah, but they did not do so. The book was not corrupted, they elected not revealing the prophet.

We find above comments over 68 different portions of the Qur’an. After looking at all of these it’s clear that the close cousin of the prophet of Islam held with high steem the books of the Bible available to him. He criticized those who did not follow what these books proclaim, as well as those who treacherously either hid or attempted to modify what was written in some copies, or those who produced new books saying they were from God.

Evidence is plenty to back up the trustworthiness of the Bible in the opinion of Ibn Abbas, even if there was few people who distorted some of the copies of the Torah. Notice that there is no mention of corruption of the Gospel.  


Notes from Tafsir Al Miqbas Mian Ib n Abbas Tafsir
1. The religion of the Christians and the Jews was not the right one.
[1:7] (The path of those whom Thou hast favoured), the Religion of those whom You have blessed with the Religion and who are the followers of Moses, before the blessings of Allah deserted them, in that He shaded them with a white cloud and sent down on them honey and quails when they were in the wilderness. It is also said that (the path of those whom Thou hast favoured) refers to the prophets. (Not of those who earn Thine anger), not the religion of the Jews who earned Your anger, whom You forsook and whose hearts You did not protect until they became complaisant. (Nor of those who go astray), nor the religion of the Christians who erred from Islam. Amen: thus shall be its custodians; it is also said that Amen means let it be so. It is also said that it means: O our Lord! Do with us as we have requested You. And Allah knows best'. And of the surah in which the Cow (al-Baqarah) is mentioned, which is Medinan in its entirety- although it is 3 also said to be Meccan -and consists of 280 verses, 3,100 words and 25,500 letters.
2. Some Jews were considered not ignorant or stupid; those who believed in Muhammad as prophet and the Qur’an
[2:13] (And when it is said unto them) i.e. to Jews, (believe) in Muhammad (pbuh) (as the people believe), i.e. 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his companions, (they say: Shall we believe) in Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an, (as the foolish believe?), i.e. as the stupid and ignorant do, (Surely they are the fools) the stupid and ignorant. (But they know not) that they are so.
3. Some Jews simply did not want to believe in Muhammad even though they wanted and they had proofs
[2:17] (Their likeness), the likeness of the hypocrites vis-à-vis Muhammad (pbuh) (is as the likeness of one who kindleth fire), lights a fire in the darkness in order to provide safety for his family, property and person, (and when it sheddeth its light around him), when it sheds its light and he sees what is around him and feels secure, at that very moment the Fire is put out. Likewise, the hypocrites believed openly in Muhammad (pbuh) as well as in the Qur'an and by doing so they felt their persons, families and properties were safe, avoiding in the process imprisonment or death. But when they die (Allah taketh away their light), the benefit of their [outward] faith, (and leaveth them in darkness) facing the hardships of the grave, (where they cannot see) any comfort. It is also said this simile refers to the Jews. In this respect, the likeness of the Jews vis-à-vis Muhammad (pbuh) is like a man who raises a flag in a lost battle and by doing so attracts other defeated fighters. But when they gather they put their flag down and, consequently, their benefit and safety immediately vanish. Similarly, the Jews used to say that Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an, prior to its revelation, would support them. When it was revealed however they denied it and Allah took away their light, i.e. their desire to believe and the benefit of such belief. This is because although they wanted to believe in Muhammad (pbuh) they did not do so, and consequently they were left them in the error of Judaism, unable to see guidance.
4. The Qur’an must be believed by Jews and Christians, because it confirms the description and traits (prophecies) of Muhammad (in their books)
[2:41] (And believe in that which I revealed) through the Archangel Gabriel, (confirming) the Oneness of Allah and the description and traits of Muhammad (pbuh) and some prescribed laws (that which ye possess already) of scripture, (and be not first to disbelieve therein) in Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an (and part not with My revelations) by not revealing the description and traits of Muhammad (for a trifling price) in exchange for means of substance, (and keep your duty unto Me), fear Me regarding this Prophet (pbuh).
5. The Jews demonstrated to be stubborn before, and it was expected that some wouldn’t believe in Muhammad. This is based on the story of the 70 men who did not believe in Moses even after listening to the words of God in Sinai
[2:75] (Have ye any hope that they will be true to you) do you hope, O Muhammad, that the Jews will believe in you (when a party of them) the 70 men who were with Moses (used to listen to the Word of Allah) used to listen to Moses reciting the Word of Allah, (then used to change it) alter it, (after they had understood it) after knowing it and fully understanding it (knowingly?) while knowing that they were altering it?
6. At the time of the prophet there were some (few) who wrote additional books to change the description and prophecies of Muhammad
[2:79] (Therefore woe) severe punishment, and it is said this means: a valley in hell (be unto those who write the Scripture with their hands) change the description and traits of Muhammad (pbuh) in the Book (and then say, “This is) in the Book that has come (from Allah”, that they may purchase) through changing and altering it (a small gain therewith) a small gain in terms of means of subsistence and surplus of property. (Woe unto them) theirs is a severe punishment (for what their hands have written) have altered (and woe unto them) and theirs is a severe punishment (for what they earn thereby) of unlawful earnings and bribes.
7. Jews disbelieved in Muhammad and Jesus, and killed John the Baptist and Zachariah. They were guilty of killing and disbelieving in prophets
[2:87] (And surely, We gave unto Moses the Scripture) the Torah (and We caused a train of messengers to follow after him) to come after him in succession, (and We gave unto Jesus son of Mary clear proofs) commands, prohibitions, wondrous things and signs, (and We supported him) strengthened and helped him (with the holy Spirit) with Gabriel, the purified. (Is it ever so, that, when there cometh unto you) O group of Jews (a messenger with that which ye yourselves desire not) which does not agree with your hearts and religion, (ye grow arrogant) you disdain believing in him. (And some ye disbelieve) you disbelieve in a group of them, namely Muhammad and Jesus, Allah bless them and give them peace (and some ye slay?) and some you killed, namely, John the Baptist and Zachariah.
8. The Qur’an confirms the books which were in their possession. Therefore these books were trustworthy.
[2:89] (And when there cometh unto them a Scripture from Allah, confirming that in their possession) which accords with that which is in their possession (though before that) before Muhammad (pbuh) (they were asking for a signal triumph) through Muhammad and the Qur'an (over those who disbelieved) of their enemies: the tribes of Asad, Ghatafan, Muzaynah, and Juhaynah (and when there cometh unto them that which they knew) of his traits and description in their Book (they disbelieved therein) they denied it was him. (The curse of Allah) His wrath and torment (is on disbelievers) the Jews.
9. Ibn Abbas considered the Jews stubborn for only believing in the Torah but not in the Qur’an and Muhammad as well. This is because in his mind there was no contradiction, he expected the Jews to believe in all books.
[2:91] (And when it is said unto them) i.e. the Jews: (Believe in that which Allah hath revealed) meaning: the Qur'an, (they say: We believe in that which was revealed unto us) i.e. the Torah. (And they disbelieve in that which cometh after it) other than the Torah, (though it is the Truth) i.e. the Qur'an is the Truth (confirming) affirming the Oneness of Allah (that which they possess) of the Book. They said: "O Muhammad! Our forefathers were believers". (Say) O Muhammad!: (Why then slew ye the Prophets of Allah before, if ye are (indeed) believers?) if your claims are truthful.
10. The Jews were greedy and that could explain some of their behaviors
[2:96] (And thou) O Muhammad! (wilt find them) the Jews (greediest of mankind for any life) to remain in this world (and (greedier) than the idolaters) even greedier than the Arab idolaters. ((Each) one of them would like) would hope (to be allowed to live a thousand years. And to live (that long) would by no means remove him) save him (from the doom) if he were to live a thousand years. (And Allah is Seer of what they do) of contraventions, rebellion and what they conceal about the description and traits of Muhammad (pbuh).
11. The books were trustworthy, containing the description of the prophet. However, some Jews hid behind their backs the prophecies concerning Muhammad.
[2:101] (And when there cometh unto them a messenger from Allah, confirming) conforming in traits and description (that which they possess) of the Book, (a party of those who have received the Scripture fling the Scripture of Allah) i.e. the Torah (behind their backs) disbelieving in what it contains of the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) nor did they exposit this (as if they knew not) as if they were ignorant people who knew nothing.
12. The Jews did many things which were not in their books, for example sorcery
[2:102] The Jews left the guidance of all the prophets (And they followed that which the devils falsely related) they acted upon what the devils had written (against the kingdom of Solomon) about the collapse of Solomon's kingdom, and 40 days of sorcery and white magic. (Solomon disbelieved not) did not write this sorcery and white magic; (but the devils disbelieved) did write it, (teaching mankind) the devils taught people, as it is said that the Jews taught people (magic and that which was revealed to the two angels) but the angels were not taught sorcery and white magic; and it is said that this means: they also taught what the angels were inspired with (in Babel, Harut and Marut. Nor did they teach it to anyone) nor did the angels describe anything to anyone (till they had said) at the outset: (We are only a temptation) we have been tried with calling people to this in order that we reduce the intensity of the torment inflicted on ourselves, (therefore disbelieve not) do not learn or act upon it. (And from these two (angels) people learn) without being taught by them (that by which they cause division between man and wife) that by which a man finds excuse to leave his wife; (but they injure thereby) with sorcery and causing rift (no one save by Allah's leave) except through Allah's will and with His knowledge. (And they learn) the devils, the Jews and sorcerers learn from each other (that which harms them) in the Hereafter (and profits them not) in this world or the next. (And surely they do know) this refers to the angels, and it is said that it refers to the Jews in their Book, as it is said that his refers to the devils (that he who trafficketh therein) chooses sorcery and white magic (will have no (happy) portion in the Hereafter) in Paradise; (and surely evil is the price for which they sold their souls) by choosing sorcery for themselves, and the reference here is to the Jews, (if they but knew) but they do not know; and it is said that this means: and they did know this from their own Book.  
13. Jews and Christians allegedly made claims not being in their books. Therefore one concludes Ibn Abbas considered that they just needed to look into their books for guidance. The Qur’an was confirmation and clarification of it.
[2:111] (And they say) i.e. the Jews: (None entereth Paradise unless he be a Jew) unless he dies as a Jew, allegedly (or a Christian) as the Christians also claimed. (These are their own desires) what they wish from Allah even though it is not in their Books. (Say) O Muhammad, to both parties: (Bring your proofs) from your own respective Books (if ye are truthful) in your claim.
14. Some people of the book did not consider sufficient to look into the Bible and asked for God to speak from heaven about Muhammad’s prophethood. Ibn Abbas considered that it was sufficient with what was revealed in the books.
[2:118] (And those who have no knowledge) who do not know the Oneness of Allah, i.e. the Jews (say: Why doth not Allah speak unto us) directly, (or some sign come unto us) a sign confirming the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh); for then, we would surely believe? (Even thus, as they now speak, spoke) similar words (those before them) their forefathers. (Their hearts are all alike) their words and hearts are the same. (We have made clear the revelations) the signs: the commands, prohibitions and your traits in the Torah (for people who are sure) who believe.
15. Abdullah Ibn Salam, Bahirah the Monk, Negus were good people of the book, who believed and did not alter the previous books. This means that there were some people who did not distort the books
[2:121] Allah then mentioned the believers from among the people of the Book: 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his companions, Bahirah the Monk and the Negus and his followers, saying: (Those unto whom We have given the Scripture) given knowledge of the Scripture, i.e. the Torah, (who read it with the right reading) describe it as it is and do not alter it: expositing what is lawful and unlawful, its commands and prohibitions to whomever asks them, and they further act according to what is clear and unambiguous and believe in that which is ambiguous therein, (those believe in it) in Muhammad and the Qur'an. (And who disbelieveth in it) in Muhammad and the Qur'an, (those are they who are losers) who are duped in that they lose both this world and the world to come.
16. The children of Israel would have a large punishment, because having a set of trustworthy books did not believe in Muhammad and the Qur’an
[2:211] (Ask the children of Israel) tell the children of Jacob (how many a clear revelation We gave them!) how may times We addressed them with commands and prohibitions, and honoured them with Religion in the time of Moses, but they exchanged all that with disbelief. (He who altereth the grace of Allah) whoever exchanges the Religion and Scripture of Allah with disbelief (after it hath come unto him) after what Muhammad has come with ((for him), lo! Allah is severe in punishment) for whoever disbelieves in Him.
17. Jews and Christians erred for not believing that Muhammad’s prophethood was foretold in their books
[2:140] (Or say ye) O Jews and Christians (that Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac and Jacob, and the tribes) the children of Jacob (were Jews or Christians) as you claim? (Say) to them, O Muhammad! (Do ye know best, or doth Allah?) do you know best about their religion or does Allah? Allah has already informed us that Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian. (And who is more unjust) in his disbelief and more insolent and daring vis-à-vis Allah (than he who hideth a testimony which he hath received from Allah) in the Torah concerning the prophethood of this Prophet (pbuh)? (Allah is not unaware) heedless (of what ye do) about concealing your testimony.
18. Recognizing to Muhammad in the previous books was not too difficult. An example is Adbullah Ibn Salam, who recognized the prophet in the Torah of his time
[2:146] Then Allah mentions the believers of the people of the Book, saying: (Those unto whom We gave the Scripture) gave the knowledge of the Torah, 'Abdullah ibn Salam and his followers (recognise) know Muhammad (pbuh) with his description and traits (as they recognise their children) in the midst of other children. (But lo! A party of them) of the people of the Book (knowingly) knowing it to exist in their Book (conceal the Truth) conceal the description and traits of Muhammad (pbuh).
19.Ka'b Ibn al-Ashraf, Huyayy Ibn Akhtab and Judayy Ibn Akhtab were among some of the Jews who were considered to conceal (hide) the truths about Muhammad
[2:174] (Lo! Those who hide anything of the Scripture which Allah hath revealed) what Allah has exposited in the Torah regarding the description and traits of Muhammad, (and purchase) by concealing this (a small gain therewith) a small profit, this was revealed about Ka'b Ibn al-Ashraf, Huyayy Ibn Akhtab and Judayy Ibn Akhtab (they eat into their bellies) they put into their bellies (nothing else than fire) except the unlawful; and it is also said that this means: they eat nothing except that which will turn into fire in their bellies on the Day of Judgement. (And Allah will not speak to them) nicely (on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He make them pure) He will not absolve them of their transgressions; it is also said that this means: He will not commend them in any good way. (Theirs will be a painful doom) a painful torment that will extend to their hearts.
20. Those who find contradiction between the Qur’an and the Torah at that time should be condemned
[2:176] (That is) the torment (because Allah hath revealed the Scripture) He sent down Gabriel with the Qur'an and the Torah (with the Truth) with an exposition of the Truth and falsehood, but they disbelieved. (Lo! Those who find disagreement in the Scripture) those who contravene that which is in the Book regarding the description and traits of Muhammad (pbuh) and further conceal the latter (are in open schism) are too much in disagreement with guidance.
21. The Qur’an was in agreement with the Torah and the Gospel, it did not contradict them
[3:3] (He hath revealed unto thee (Muhammad) the Scripture) He sent you Gabriel with the Scripture (with truth) in order to show truth from falsehood, (confirming) corroborating Allah's divine Oneness (that which was (revealed) before it) of scriptures, (even as He revealed the Torah) in one go to Moses the son of Amran (and the Gospel) in one go to the Jesus the son of Mary.
22. If there was any differences between Qur’an and Bible, it was on commandments which were abrogated
[3:7] (He it is Who hath revealed unto thee (Muhammad) the Scripture) who sent you Gabriel with the Scripture (wherein are clear revelations) expositing the lawful and unlawful which are not abrogated and which are acted upon. (They are the substance of the Book) they are the foundation of the Book as they are the leading theme in each book. They are all acted upon. An example of this is the saying of Allah: (Say: Come, I will recite unto you that which your Lord hath made a sacred duty for you…) [6:151]. (And others (which are) allegorical) vague in their meanings to the Jews, like the use of the letters of the alphabet according to their numerical value (hisab al-Jumal) in such instances as Alif. Lam. Mim, Alif. Lam. Mim. Sad, Alif. Lam Mim. Ra; and Alif. Lam. Ra; it is also said that (others (which are) allegorical) means: other verses that are abrogated and no longer acted upon. (But those) the Jews Ka'b Ibn al-Ashraf, Huyayy Ibn Akhtab and Judayy Ibn Akhtab (in whose hearts is doubt) scepticism, opposition and deviance from guidance (pursue, forsooth, that which is allegorical seeking) in the Qur'an ((to cause) dissension) pursuing disbelief, ascribing partners to Allah, and holding fast to the error they are in (by seeking to explain it) to determine the future of this nation so that dominion reverts back to them. (None knoweth its explanation) the future of this nation (save Allah). Here Allah interrupts His speech and then resumes it by saying: (And those who are of sound instruction) those who have a sound grasp of the knowledge of the Torah: 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his fellow companions (say: We believe therein) in the Qur'an; (the whole is from our Lord) Allah has revealed both those verses which are clear and those which are ambiguous; (but only men of understanding) who have sound minds such as 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his fellow companions (really heed) take admonition from the simile of the Qur'an.
23. The Qur’an clarified some difference in interpretation and claims from Jews and Christians with regards to portions of the Bible
[3:19] (Lo! Religion) that is accepted (with Allah (is) the Surrender (to His will and guidance)). It is also said that this should be understood as: Allah bears witness that Religion with Him is Islam (the Surrender), and the angels, the prophets and the believers also bear witness to this. This verse was revealed about two men from Historic Syria who asked the Prophet (pbuh) which is the greatest witness in the Book of Allah. When he informed them about it, they embraced Islam. (Those who (formerly) received the Scripture) the Jews and Christians (differed) about Islam and Muhammad (only after knowledge) the exposition of what is in their Scripture (came unto them, through transgression among themselves) out of resentful envy. (Whoso disbelieveth the revelations of Allah) Muhammad and the Qur'an ((will find that) Lo! Allah is swift at reckoning) severe in His punishment.
24. Ibn Abbas considered that the prophet of Islam was sincere
[3:20] Allah then mentions their argument with the Prophet (pbuh) about the Religion of Islam, saying: (And if they) i.e. the Jews and Christians (argue with thee, O Muhammad, say: I have surrendered my purpose) I make my Religion and works sincere (to Allah and (so have) those who follow me. And say unto those who have received the Scripture) the Jews and Christians (and those who read not) i.e. the Arabs: (Have ye (too) surrendered?) do you surrender as we have surrendered? Allah then said: (If they surrender) as you have surrendered, (then truly they are rightly guided) from error, (and if they turn away) from surrender, (then it is your duty only to convey the message (unto them)) on behalf of Allah. (Allah is Seer of (His) bondmen) those who believe and those who do not.
25. Muhammad confirmed the previous scriptures and making some legal dispensations
[3:50] (And (I come) confirming) and I have come confirming Allah's divine Oneness in the Religion (that which was before me of the Torah) and all other Scriptures, (and to make lawful) to give you legal dispensation regarding (some of that which was forbidden unto you) such as the meat of camels, the fat of bovines and sheep, the Sabbath, and other things. (I come unto you with a sign) with a token (from your Lord, so keep your duty to Allah) so fear Allah in that which He has commanded you with and repent to Him (and obey me) and follow my command and Religion;
26. The Qu’ran corroborates the Torah and the Gospel
[3:58] (This) that I have told you about, O Muhammad, regarding the story of Jesus ((which) We recite unto thee) with which We send Gabriel to you (is a revelation) He says: they are revelations of the Qur'an, conveying commands and prohibitions (and a wise reminder) that enjoins what is lawful and what is unlawful; it is also said this means: it corroborates the Torah and the Gospel; and it is also said this means: it confirms that which is in the Guarded Tablet.
27. There were Christians who apparently looked into the Bible and they did not agree that Muhammad was a promised prophet. Instead, they found more affinity with the description of the Antichrist.
[3:71] (O People of the Scripture! Why confound ye truth with falsehood) you confound the traits of the anti-Christ with those of Muhammad (and knowingly conceal the Truth?) the traits and description of Muhammad which you find in your Scripture.
28. Jews and Christians must be punished for their disbelief. Because some distorted the books with their tongues saying statements not found in their scriptures. Their books were trustworthy, but some of them were not.
[3:77] Allah then mentioned their punishment, i.e. the punishment of the Jews, saying: (Lo! those who purchase a small gain) a small gain of in their living (at the cost of Allah's covenant) by breaking Allah's covenant (and their oaths) their pledges with their prophets, (they have no portion in the Hereafter) in Paradise. (Allah will neither speak to them) in a nice manner on the Day of Judgement (nor look upon them on the Day of Resurrection) He will have no mercy for them, (nor will He make them grow) He will neither exonerate them for being Jews nor put their minds at peace. (Theirs will be a painful doom) a severe pain which will spread to their hearts. It is also said that this was revealed about 'Abdan Ibn al-Ashu' and Imra' al-Qays because of a dispute between them, and it was also revealed about the Jews. [3:78] (And Lo! there is) of the Jews (a party of them) Ka'b and his fellow men (who distort the Scripture with their tongues) by reading the traits of the anti-Christ in their Scripture, (that ye may think) that the lowly may think (that what they say is from the Scripture, when it is not from the Scripture. And they say: It is from Allah) in the Torah, (when it is not from Allah) in the Torah; (and they speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly) fully aware that this is not in their Scripture.  [3:79] Then Allah said as regards their claim that they follow the Religion of Abraham and that Abraham commanded them to follow this Religion: (It is not (possible) for any human being) among the prophets (unto whom Allah had given the Scripture and wisdom) understanding (and the prophethood that he should afterwards have said unto mankind: Be slaves of me instead of Allah; but (what he said was): Be you faithful servants of the Lord) men of knowledge, people of understanding as well as people who put what they learn into practice (by virtue of your constant teaching of the Scripture) from the Scripture; it is also said that this means: by virtue of your knowledge of the Scripture (and of your constant study thereof) of your reading from the Scripture.  [3:80] (And he commanded you) O people of the Quraysh, Jews and Christians (not that ye should take the angels) as daughters of Allah (and the Prophets for lords. Would he command you to disbelieve) how could Abraham command you to follow disbelief (after ye had surrendered (to Allah)) after he commanded you to follow Islam (completely Surrendering to Allah), saying to you: (Lo! Allah hath chosen for you the (true) Religion; therefore die not save as men who have surrendered [2:132]). Allah says here: Allah has not sent a Messenger except that He commanded him to follow Islam and not Judaism, Christianity or the worship of idols, as these unbelievers claim. It is also said that this verse was revealed about the claims of the Jews that Muhammad commanded them to love him and worship him as the Christians worshipped Jesus. The Christians and idolaters also made the same claim.
29. The merits of Muhammad were to be easily found in the books of the Bible at that time
[3:81] Allah then explained His covenant with the prophets on the day of “Yes, indeed!” regarding Muhammad's traits and description, saying: (When Allah made (His) covenant with the Prophets) He says: Allah made a covenant with the prophets that they will show to one another the traits, description and merit of Muhammad, ((He said): Behold that which I have given ye) when I did give you (of the Scripture and knowledge) containing details of the lawful and the unlawful. (And) you also made a covenant with your nation that (afterward there will come unto you a messenger, confirming) by calling to Allah's divine Oneness (that which ye possess) of Scripture. (Ye shall believe in him) He says: you shall acknowledge him and his virtue (and ye shall help him) with the sword against his enemies and also by expositing his trait. (He said: Do ye agree?) Allah asked them whether they accepted (and will you take My burden) My covenant (in this) what I said? (They) the prophets (answered: We agree) we accept. (He) Allah (said: Then bear ye witness) of this. (I will be a witness with you) of this also. Allah thus made them witnesses of one another and He Himself is a witness. And so each prophet explained this to his nation, and each prophet made the members of his nation witnesses for each other, just as each prophet bore witness to it.
30. In the Scriptures of Jews and Christians (at that time) were clear proofs about Islam
[3:105] (And be ye not) divided in religion (as those who separated and disputed) in religion, such as the religious schisms that took place among the Jews and Christians (after the clear proofs) proofs from their Scriptures of Islam (had come unto them. For such) i.e. the Jews and Christians (there is an awful doom) greater than anything one can imagine.
31. Jews and Christians who don’t believe are evil. Evil is the explanation for not believing having proofs in their hands
[3:110] (Ye are the best community that has been raised up for mankind) that ever was for mankind. Allah then showed how they were the best community that has been raised for mankind saying: (Ye enjoin right conduct) you enjoin the divine Oneness of Allah and the following of Muhammad (and forbid indecency) you forbid disbelief, idolatry and the opposition of the Messenger; (and ye believe in Allah) as well as in all revealed scriptures and messengers. (And if the People of the Scripture) i.e. the Jews and Christians (had believed it had been better for them) than what they are in now. (Some of them are believers) 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his followers; (but most of them are evil-livers) unbelievers who break their pledges.
32. There was a group of believers who were blood related to Jews, and who had believed, who had acknowledged what was evident in the previous books.
[3:119] (Lo! Ye are) O group of believers (those who love them) who love the Jews because of the ties of marriage and suckling (though they love you not) because of the Religion, (and ye believe in all the Scripture) you acknowledge all the revealed Books and messengers while they do not. (When they) the hypocrites among the Jews (fall in with you they say: We believe) in Muhammad and the Qur'an and we acknowledge that his traits and description are in our Scripture; (but when they go apart) and meet with each other (they bite their fingertips at you, for rage. Say: Perish in your rage! Lo! Allah is Aware of what is hidden in (your) breasts) He is Aware of what is in your heart of hatred and enmity.
33. There were some Jews who claimed that in their scriptures there was evidence to not believe in Muhammad
[3:183] ((The same are) those) i.e. the Jews (who say: Lo! Allah hath charged us) Allah has commanded us in the Scripture (that we believe not in any messenger) we will not accept that anyone is sent with a message (until he bring us an offering which fire (from heaven) shall devour) that is until Allah sends a fire which will devour this offering, as it happened in the time of the [Jewish] prophets. (Say) O Muhammad: (Messengers came unto you before me with miracles) with commands and prohibitions as well as signs, (and with that (very miracle) which ye describe) of an offering [devoured by fire], Zachariah, John and Jesus. (Why then did ye slay them?) why did you kill John and Zachariah, when such an offering [devoured by fire] took place during their time. ((Answer that) if ye are truthful) in your claim.
34. Part of the covenant of the people of the book was to exposit the description of Muhammad which is available in their books. However they broke this covenant.
[3:187] Then Allah mentioned His covenant with the people of the Book in the Scripture, which required them to exposit the traits and description of His Prophet, saying: (And (remember) when Allah laid a charge on those who had received the Scripture) i.e. the Torah and the Gospel ((He said): Ye are to expound it) the trait and description of Muhammad (to mankind and not to hide it) not to hide these traits and description of Muhammad in their Scripture. (But they flung it behind their backs) and did not act upon it (and bought thereby a little gain) a paltry acquisition in their means of living by hiding the traits and description of Muhammad in their Scripture. (Verily evil is that which they have gained thereby) evil is that which they have chosen for themselves: Judaism and the concealment of the traits and description of Muhammad.
35. Those who willingly changed or denied any descriptions of Muhammad (which were available at the time of the prophet) will be punished. Malik Ibn al-Sayf and his friends were example of Jews who changed words from the context (but the Torah remained intact).
[3:188] Allah then mentioned their longing for praise and credit for that which they-the Jews-did not have, saying: (Think not) suppose not, O Muhammad (that those who exult in what they have given) whereby they changed the traits and description of Muhammad in their Scripture, (and love to be praised for what they have not done) they like that people say they have good in them when they do not. They like that people say that they are follower of the Religion of Abraham and that they are good to the poor. (Think not) O Muhammad, (they are in safety from the doom. A painful doom is theirs) a severe torment shall be theirs.
36. Al-Yasa' and Rafi' were example of Jews who despite of having knowledge of the Torah they were considered hypocrites for not holding unto the truth contained in it. Malik Ibn al-Sayf and his friends were example of Jews who changed words from the context. But the Torah remained intact because it was only distortion with their tongues. What they possessed was trustworthy.
[4:44] (Seest thou not) have you not been informed in the Scripture about (those unto whom a portion of the Scripture hath been given) those who were given knowledge of the Torah, (how they purchase error?) they choose Judaism, (and seek to make you (Muslims) err from the right way) i.e. abandon Islam. This was revealed about al-Yasa' and Rafi' the sons of Harmalah, two Jewish Rabbis, who invited 'Abdullah Ibn Ubayy and his friends to embrace their religion. [4:45] (Allah knoweth best (who are) your enemies) from among the hypocrites and the Jews. (Allah is sufficient as a Friend) as a Protector, (and Allah is sufficient as a Helper) as a Defender against them. [4:46] (Some of those who are Jews) Malik Ibn al-Sayf and his friends (change words from their context) they change the traits and description of Muhammad after these were exposited upon in the Torah, and then come to Muhammad (and say: “We hear) your words, O Muhammad (and disobey) your command, when he is not around them; and we (hear thou) O Muhammad (as one who heareth not” and “Listen to us!” distorting with their tongues and slandering religion. If they had said: “We hear) your saying, O Muhammad (and we obey) your command; (hear you) hear from us, (and look at us” it had been better for them) than their insults and defamation, (and more upright) and more correct. (But Allah hath cursed them) punishes them by making them pay the capitation tax (for their disbelief) as a punishment for their disbelief, (so they believe not, save a few) among them who have accepted Islam such as 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his friends. [4:47] (O ye unto whom the Scripture hath been given!) O you to whom knowledge of the traits and description of Muhammad in the Torah has been given. (Believe in what We have revealed) the Qur'an (concerning that which) confirms what (ye possess) in terms of Allah's divine Oneness and the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) (before We destroy countenances) before We change your hearts (so as to confound them) so as to turn them away from the lights of guidance and transform their faces to the back of their heads, (or curse them) turn them into animals (as We cursed the Sabbath-breakers (of old time)) by turning them into apes. (And the commandment of Allah is always executed) after the revelation of this verse 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his companions embraced Islam.
37. For those who disbelieved despite of having clear truth in previous books, hell was waiting for them
[4:55] (And of them) of the Jews (were (some) who believed therein) believed in the Scripture of David and Solomon (and of them were (some) who disbelieved therein. Hell is sufficient for (their) burning) i.e. Ka'b and his followers.
38. Ka'b Ibn al-Ashraf is an example of those who would be misled by Satan from the Truth and guidance they had in the Torah
[4:60] (Hast thou not seen) have you not been informed, O Muhammad, about (those who pretend that they believe in that which is revealed unto thee) i.e. the Qur'an (and that which was revealed before thee) i.e. the Torah, (how they would go for judgement (in their disputes) to false deities) Ka'b Ibn al-Ashraf (when they have been ordered) in the Qur'an (to abjure them?) to disavow them. (Satan would mislead them far astray) from the Truth and guidance. This verse was revealed about a hypocrite by the name of Bishr whom 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab had killed. This hypocrite had a dispute with a Jewish man.
39. Some Jews were criticized for making usury lawful despite of not being lawful in their Torah. The Torah was referred as trustworthy.
[4:161] (And of their taking usury) of their making usury lawful (when they were forbidden it) in the Torah, (and of their devouring) and because of their consumption of (people's wealth by false pretences) through transgression and bribery, We forbade them the fat which covers the stomach and bowels and the meat and milk of camels, which were before lawful for them. (We have prepared for those of them who disbelieve) among the Jews (a painful doom) the pain of which will reach to their hearts.
40. 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his followers  were example of the people of the book who believe in the Qur'an and all Scripture despite of other Jews not believing in it. They were praised for following the truth found in the Torah and the other books of the Bible
[4:162] (But those of them) of the people of the Book: 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his followers who believe in the Qur'an and all Scripture even if the Jews did not believe in the former (who are firm in knowledge) knowledge of the Torah (and the believers) all the believers (believe in that which is revealed unto thee) of the Qur'an, (and that which was revealed before thee) unto all the prophets, (especially the diligent in prayer) those who perfect their five daily prayers (and those who pay the poor-due) from their wealth also believe in the Qur'an and all the Scriptures, (the believers in Allah and the Last Day) the believers in resurrection after death also believe in the Qur'an and all Scriptures. All these believe in the Qur'an and all Scriptures even if the Jews do not believe in them. Allah then explained their reward, saying: (Upon these We shall bestow immense reward) an abundant reward in Paradise.
41. Some Christians were praised for believing in Muhammad based on the Gospel, but later on criticized for not following through with this belief.
[5:14] (And with those who say: "Lo! we are Christians"), i.e. the Christians of Najran (We made a covenant) in the Gospel that they should follow Muhammad (pbuh) and manifest his traits and not worship anyone or anything except Allah or associate anyone with Him, (but they forgot a part) they left part (of that whereof they were admonished) with which they were commanded. (Therefore We have stirred up) We have cast (enmity) killing and destruction (and hatred) in the hearts (among them) between the Jews and Christians; and it is said between the Nestorians of Najran, the sects known as the Jacobites, the Marqusiyya and the Melkites (till the Day of Resurrection, when Allah will inform them of their handiwork) of their opposition, treachery, concealment, enmity and hatred.
42. There were some Jews of the tribe of the prophet of Islam who were hypocrites, changing words from the previous books from their context
[5:41] (O Messenger!) O Muhammad (Let not them grieve you who vie one with another in the race to disbelief) in allying themselves with the disbelievers in this world and in the Hereafter, (of such as say with their mouths) with their tongues: (“We believe,”) in our hearts (but their hearts believe not) i.e. the hearts of the hypocrites, 'Abdullah Ibn Ubayy and his followers, (and of the Jews) i.e. the Jews of the Banu Qurayzah, Ka'b and his followers: (listeners for the sake of falsehood) listeners of untruth, (listeners on behalf of other folk) the people of Khaybar (who come not unto thee) regarding what happened among them, but Banu Qurayzah asked about them, (changing words) changing the traits and description of Muhammad and the legal ruling on the stoning of married people who commit adultery (from their context) after being exposited in the Torah (and saying) i.e. the leaders to their followers; it is also said: the hypocrites 'Abdullah Ibn Ubayy and his followers: (If this be given unto you) if Muhammad (pbuh) command you to whip [married people who committed adultery], (receive it) accept it from him and act according to it (but if this be not given unto you) if Muhammad does not command you to whip them and instead commands you to stone them, (then beware!) i.e. beware of following him if does not command you to whip them and, instead, commands you to stone them. Allah said: (He whom Allah doometh unto sin) he whom Allah wants to persist in his disbelief and idolatry; it is also said: he whom Allah wants to expose; and it is also said that this means: he whom Allah wants to test, (thou (by thine efforts) will avail him naught against Allah) against Allah's punishment. (Those are) the Jews and the hypocrites (they for whom the will of Allah is that He cleanse not their hearts) from scheming, treachery and persistence in disbelief. (Theirs in the world will be ignominy) punishment through killing and expulsion, (and in the Hereafter an awful doom) more severe than the punishment they suffer in this world; [5:42] (Listeners) and ones who utter words (for the sake of falsehood! Greedy for illicit gain!) bribery and that which is unlawful by changing the rulings of Allah. (If then they) i.e. the Banu Qurayzah and the Banu'lNadir (have recourse unto thee) O Muhammad (judge between them) between the Banu Qurayzah and the Banu'l-Nadir; and it is also said: between the people of Khaybar (or disclaim jurisdiction) by choice. (If thou disclaimest jurisdiction) and do not judge between them, (then they cannot harm thee at all) they cannot take away anything from you. (But if thou judgest) between the Banu Qurayzah and the Banu'l-Nadir; and it is also said: between the people of Khaybar, (judge between them with equity) with stoning [married people who commit adultery]. (Lo! Allah loveth the equitable) who are fair when they judge with the Book of Allah and who apply the legal ruling of stoning.
43. Stoning and the description of Muhammad were examples of truths which were hidden by some Jews
[5:44] (Lo! We did reveal the Torah) to Moses, (wherein is guidance) from error (and a light) the explanation of stoning, (by which) by the Torah (the Prophets who surrendered (unto Allah)) those who surrendered to Allah from the time of Moses to the time of Jesus, in the interval of which there were 1,000 prophets (judged the Jews) the forefathers who were Jews, (and the rabbis) He says: those who judged between them were the godly men of knowledge and the ascetics (and the priests) all the other men of knowledge ((judged) by such of Allah's Scripture as they were bidden to observe) by that which they acted upon and called other people to, as in the Book of Allah, (and thereunto) i.e. about the legal ruling of stoning (were they witnesses. So fear not mankind) regarding the display of the traits and description of Muhammad and the legal ruling of stoning, (but fear Me) for concealing them. (And barter not My revelations) through concealment of the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) and the verse of stoning (for a little gain) for a paltry portion in your means of living. (Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed) Allah says: whoever does not show that which Allah has shown in the Torah regarding the traits and description of Muhammad and the verse of stoning: (such are disbelievers) in Allah, the messenger and the Scripture.
44. Jesus was a prophet who like Mohammad confirmed the Torah
[5:46] (And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, confirming that which was (revealed) before him in the Torah) as regards the declaration of Allah's divine Oneness and some laws, (and We bestowed on him the Gospel wherein is guidance) from error (and a light) an exposition on stoning, (confirming that which was (revealed) before it in the Torah) regarding Allah's divine Oneness and the legal ruling of stoning (a guidance) from error (and an admonition unto) and a caution for (those who ward off (evil)) those who ward off disbelief, idolatry and indecencies.
45. The Qur’an confirmed some laws of the previous scriptures. The previous scriptures contained truth, but several laws were abrogated in the Qur’an. However the previous books still were trustworthy.
[5:48] (And unto thee have We revealed the Scripture) We have sent you Gabriel with the Qur'an (with the Truth) to make plain the Truth and falsehood, (confirming) the statement of Allah's divine Oneness and some laws (whatever Scripture was before it) whatever Scriptures were before it, (and a watcher over it) a witness upon all the Scriptures before it; it is also said: a witness upon the ruling of stoning; and it is also said: a watcher over all previous Scriptures. (So judge between them) between the Banu Qurayzah and the Banu'lNadir and the people of Khaybar (by that which Allah hath revealed) by that which Allah has exposited to you in the Qur'an, (and follow not their desires) regarding the application of whipping and discarding stoning (away from the Truth which hath come unto thee) after the exposition that has come to you. (For each We have appointed a divine law) for each prophet among you We have exposited a divine law (and a traced out way) obligations and practices. (Had Allah willed He could have made you one community) He has made you follow one divine law. (But that He may try you) test you (by that which He hath given you) of Scripture, obligations and practices, such that He says: I have prescribed all this for you, so let not delusion creep into your minds. (So vie one with another in good works) so vie, O Community of Muhammad (pbuh) with other nations, in obligations, practices and righteous works; it is also said that this means: hasten, O Community of Muhammad (pbuh) to perform acts of obedience. (Unto Allah ye will all) all nations (return, and He will then inform you of that wherein ye differ) where you contravene in relation to religion and divine laws.
46. The previous scriptures foretold the advent of the Qur’an. The judgment of People of the books against Muslims was unfair, given that they had trustworthy books.
[5:59] (Say) to the Jews, O Muhammad: (O, People of the Scripture! Do ye blame us) do you accuse, and find fault with, us (for aught else than that we believe in Allah) for any other reason except for our faith in Allah, alone without any partners (and that which is revealed unto us) the Qur'an (and that which was revealed aforetime) of Scriptures and of messengers sent before Muhammad (pbuh) and before the Qur'an, (and because most of you) all of you (are evil-doers) disbelievers? (…) [5:61] (When they) i.e. the lowly among the Jews; and it is also said this means the hypocrites (come unto you (Muslims), they say: We believe) in your traits and description which we find in our Scripture; (but they came in disbelief) they secretly disbelieve (and they went out in the same) disbelieving inwardly; (and Allah knoweth best what they were hiding) of disbelief.
47. Jews and Christians are criticized for not believing what is (not what was) in the Torah and the Gospel about Muhammad
[5:66] (If they had observed the Torah and the Gospel) if they had accepted what is in the Torah and the Gospel and demonstrated the traits and description of Muhammad contained therein (and that which was revealed unto them from their Lord) and had they elucidated that which their Lord had explained to them in the Torah and the Gospel; it is also said that this means: if they had believed that all the scriptures and messengers are from their Lord, (they would surely have been nourished from above them) through rain (and from beneath their feet) through vegetation and fruit. (Among them) among the people of the Book (there are people who are moderate) a group of just and upright people, i.e. 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his followers, the monk Bahirah, the Negus and his followers, and Salman al-Farisi and his fellows, (but many of them are of evil conduct) evil is what they do in terms of concealing the traits and description of Muhammad. Among such people are Ka'b Ibn al-Ashraf, Ka'b Ibn Asad, Malik Ibn al-Sayf, Sa'id Ibn 'Amr, Abu Yasir, and Judayy Ibn Akhtab. (…) [5:68] (Say) O Muhammad: (O People of the Scripture!) i.e. the Jews and Christians. (You have naught) of the religion of Allah (till ye observe the Torah and the Gospel) until you truly believe in what is in the Torah and the Gospel (and that which was revealed unto thee (Muhammad) from your Lord) in all Scriptures given to all messengers. (That which is revealed unto you (Muhammad) from your Lord) the Qur'an (is certain to increase the contumacy) constancy in disbelief (and disbelief) and firmness in disbelief (of many of them) of their disbelievers. (But grieve not for the disbelieving folk) do not be saddened for their destruction in their state of disbelief, if they do not believe.
48. The scriptures were trustworthy and those who fully believed in them were commended for this
[5:69] (Lo! those who believe) in Moses as well as in all the prophets and Scriptures and die in this state, no fear shall come to them nor will they grieve, (and those who are Jews, and Sabaeans) a Christian sect, who are milder than the other Christians, (and Christians) of Najran as well as other Christians (whosoever) of the Jews, Sabaeans or Christians (believeth in Allah and the Last Day) in resurrection after death, and if the Jews repent of Judaism, the Sabaeans of their religion and the Christians of Christianity (and doeth right) sincerely between him and his Lord (there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve) about that which they have left behind; it is also said that this means: they shall not fear when others so fear nor shall they grieve when others do; it is also said that this means: they shall not fear when death is slain nor grieve when the Fire is closed.
49. Those who didn’t believe on the previous books would show animosity against Muhammad, but those who believed in the Bible of the time would cry recognizing the prophet based on what the Bible contained
[5:82] Allah then showed their enmity towards the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions, saying: (Thou wilt find) O Muhammad (the most vehement of mankind in hostility) and most vile in speech (to those who believe) Muhammad and his Companions ((to be) the Jews) the Jews of the Banu Qurayzah, Banu'l-Nadir, Fadak and Khaybar (and the idolaters) and the most vehement in hostility to the believers among the idolaters are the idolaters of Mecca. (And thou wilt find the nearest of them in affection) in their bond and most lenient in speech (to those who believe) Muhammad and his Companions ((to be) those who say: Lo! We are Christians) the Negus and his followers who were 32 men; it is also said that they were 40 people in total: 32 from Abyssinia, and eight monks from Historic Syria: the monk Bahirah and his followers Abrahah, Ashraf, Idris, Tamim, Tammam, Durayd and Ayman. (That) affection (is because there are among them priests) ascetics whose heads are shaved in the middle (and monks) secluded in monasteries who are their men of knowledge, (and because they are not proud) in believing in Muhammad and the Qur'an.  [5:83] (When they listen to that which hath been revealed unto the messenger) when they hear Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib's recitation of what has been revealed to the messenger, (thou seest their eyes overflow with tears because of their recognition of the Truth) their recognition of the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) in their Scripture. (They say: Our Lord) O our Lord, (we believe) in You, in Your Book and in Your Messenger Muhammad. (Inscribe us as among the witnesses) make us of the Community of Muhammad (pbuh) who believe.
50. It was common for Jews to deny prophets. It was not related to not having a trustworthy book, but just stubbornness.
[6:34] (Messengers indeed have been denied before thee) their people denied them as your people deny you now, (and they were patient under the denial) of their own people (and the persecution) and they were patient in the face of their people's harm (till Our succour reached them) through the destruction of their people. (There is none to alter the decisions of Allah) in that He helps His friends against His enemies. (Already there hath reached thee) O Muhammad ((somewhat) of the tidings of the messengers (We sent before)) how their people denied them, as your people deny you now, and how they were patient.
51. Malik Ibn al-Sayf, the Jew, who claimed that Allah did not reveal any Scripture to human beings.
[6:91] (And they measure not the power of Allah its true measure) they do not glorify Allah as He should be glorified (when they say: Allah hath naught) no Scripture (revealed unto a human being) among the prophets. This verse was revealed about Malik Ibn al-Sayf, the Jew, who claimed that Allah did not reveal any Scripture to human beings. (Say) O Muhammad, to Malik: (Who revealed the Book which Moses brought, a light) an exposition and enlightenment (and guidance for mankind) from error, (which ye have put) written (on parchments which ye show) many things which do not contain the traits and description of the Prophet (pbuh) (but ye hide much (thereof)) you hide many portions of it which contain the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) (and by which ye were taught) of legal rulings, punishment, the lawful and the unlawful as well as the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) in the Scripture (that which ye knew not yourselves nor (did) your fathers (know it)) before the revelation of legal rulings and punishments? If they answer and say it was Allah, then fine, if they do not, (Say: Allah) revealed it. (Then leave them to their play of cavilling) let them indulge in their falsehood: quibbling and lying.
52. The Qur’an was revealed in agreement to the description of the prophet contained in the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and all other scriptures.
[6:92] (And this) i.e. the Qur'an (is a blessed Scripture) contains mercy and forgiveness for him who believes in it (which We have revealed) which Gabriel brought down, (confirming that which (was revealed) before it) agreeing with the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and with all earlier Scriptures as regard Allah's divine Oneness and the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) (that thou mayst warn) by means of the Qur'an (the Mother of Villages) i.e. the people of Mecca; it is also said that (the Mother of Villages) means: the largest of villages; it is also said that it was called (the Mother of Villages) because the earth was levelled from beneath it (and those around her) of the rest of lands. (Those who believe in the Hereafter) those who believe in resurrection after death and in the bliss of Paradise (believe herein) believe in Muhammad and the Qur'an, (and they are careful of their worship) and they observe the appointed time for the five daily prayers.
53. The Jews were succeeded by gentiles because they hid the portions that demonstrated Mohammed was a prophet, though the books clearly showed it
[7:169] (And a generation hath succeeded them) a generation of people succeeded the righteous ones, but their successors, among the Jews, were evil (who inherited the Scriptures) they took the Scripture and concealed the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) that is in it. (They grasp the goods of this low life (as the price of evil doing)) they take bribes and other unlawful stuff of this world in exchange for concealing the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) (and say: It will be forgiven us) the sins we commit at night shall be forgiven during the day, and the sins we commit in the day shall be forgiven at night. (And if there came to them (again)) today (the offer of the like) similar to the unlawful that had come to them before, (they would accept it) and declaring to be lawful. (Hath not the covenant of the Scripture been taken on their behalf that they should not speak aught concerning Allah save the Truth? And they have studied that which is therein) of the traits and attributes of Muhammad (pbuh); it is also said that this means: they studied what is in it of the lawful and the unlawful but did not act upon it. (And the abode of the Hereafter) i.e. Paradise (is better, for those who ward off (evil)) ward off disbelief, idolatry, indecencies, bribery and changing the traits and description of the Prophet (pbuh) in the Torah. Warding off these is better than the abode of the life of this world. (Have ye then no sense?) do you not realise that the life of this world is vanishing and the Hereafter is everlasting?  [7:170] (And as for those who make (men) keep the Scripture) those who act upon the Scripture, declaring its lawful to be lawful and its unlawful to be unlawful, and further manifest the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) (and establish worship) and perform the five daily prayers (lo! We squander not) We thwart not (the wages of reformers) the reward of those who do good in their works and speech, referring here to 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his companions.
54. Those who wrote other books saying it was from God are condemned for this and also for concealing the truth which was available to them. So the books were still trustworthy and available, despite of these other books.
[9:9] (They have purchased with the revelations of Allah) i.e. Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an (a little gain) a small profit, (so they debar (men) from His way) from His religion and obedience. (Lo! evil is that which they are wont to do) evil is that which they used to do of concealment and other things. It is also said that this verse was revealed about the Jews.
55. The Torah was right there if anyone wanted to believe in Muhammad.
[9:29] (Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture) the Jews and Christians (as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day) nor in the bliss of Paradise, (and forbid not) in the Torah (that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the religion of truth) do not submit themselves to Allah through confession of Allah's divine Oneness, (until they pay the tribute readily) standing: from hand to hand, (being brought low) abased.
56.  Reading the books of the Bible there was no doubt that the Qur’an and the prophet were foretold there, hence these books were trustworthy
[10:37] (And this Qur'an) which is recited to you by Muhammad (pbuh) (is not such as could ever be invented in despite of Allah; but it is a confirmation of that which was before it) it is a confirmation of the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and all other Scriptures in that they all call to the profession of divine Oneness and contain the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) (and an exposition of that which is decreed for mankind) the Qur'an exposits the lawful and the prohibited, the commands and prohibitions. (Therein is no doubt from the Lord of the Worlds) from the Master of all worlds.
57. In the Bible there were at the time of the prophet clear expositions of the description of Muhammad
[10:93] (And We verily did allot unto) We verily did send to (the Children of Israel a fixed abode) a noble land: Jordan and Palestine, (and did provide them with good things) honey, quails and spoils of war (and they differed not) i.e. the Jews and Christians regarding Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an (until knowledge) the exposition of what is their Scriptures about the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) (came unto them. Lo! your Lord) O Muhammad (will judge between them) between the Jews and Christians (on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they used to differ) regarding religion.
58. The books of the Bible were also guidance for the very same prophet. If he was in doubt of his prophethood he could ask the people who read the Bible books.
[10:94] (And if thou) O Muhammad (art in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto thee) concerning that with which We sent Gabriel, i.e. the Qur'an, (then question those who read the Scripture) i.e. the Torah ((that was) before you) 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his followers. The Prophet (pbuh) did not ask nor was he ever in doubt about the Qur'an. Rather, Allah was addressing with these words the people of the Prophet. (Verily the Truth from thy Lord) i.e. Gabriel with the Qur'an from your Lord, containing the events of past nations (hath come unto thee) O Muhammad. (So be not thou of the waverers) be not of the doubters. [10:95] (And be not thou of those who deny the revelations of Allah) Allah's Book and Messenger, (for then wert thou of the losers)
59. The Qur'an is not an invented story, but a confirmation of the existing Scripture; a confirmation of the Torah, the Gospel and all the others scriptures.
[12:111] (In their history) in their events, the event of Joseph and his brothers (verily there is a lesson) a sign (for men of understanding) for people endowed with intelligence. (It is no invented story) the Qur'an is not an invented story (but a confirmation of the existing (Scripture)) a confirmation of the Torah, the Gospel and all the others scriptures; it confirms the profession of monotheism and other legal rulings as well as the story of Joseph (and a detailed explanation of everything) a detailed explanation of the lawful and the unlawful, (and a guidance) from error (and a mercy) preventing from chastisement (for folk who believe) in Muhammad (pbuh) and in the Qur'an which was revealed to you from your Lord, and Allah knows the secrets of His Book'. And of the surah in which the thunder is mentioned, which is all Meccan-save two verses (As for those who disbelieve, disaster ceases not to strike them because of what they do, or it dwells near their home until the threat of Allah come to pass. Lo! Allah faileth not to keep the appointed time) and (they who disbelieve say: Thou art no messenger (of Allah). Say: Allah, and whoever has true knowledge of the Scripture, is sufficient witness between me and you)
60. The Bible is trustworthy and sufficient to believe in the Qur’an
[13:36] (Those unto whom We gave the Scripture) the Torah, the reference here is to 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his companions (rejoice in that which is revealed unto thee) of the remembrance of the All-Merciful. (And of the clans) i.e. the Jews (there are who deny some of it) some of the Qur'an, except the surah of Joseph and the portions of it in which the All-Merciful is mentioned; it is also said that the clans her refers to the Confederates, i.e. the disbelievers of Mecca as well as other disbelievers, who deny some of the Qur'an in which the All-Merciful is mentioned. (Say) O Muhammad: (I am commanded only that I serve Allah) in all sincerity (and ascribe unto Him no partner. Unto Him I cry) I call people unto Him, (and unto Him is my return) my return in the Hereafter.
61. The books of the Bible are as trustworthy as the Qur’an is because they are revealed in the same way
[18:1] And from his own narration on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said regarding the meaning of Allah's words (Praise be to Allah): '(Praise be to Allah) He says: gratitude is Allah's and divinity is His (Who hath revealed the Scripture) who has sent Gabriel with the Qur'an (unto His slave) Muhammad (pbuh) (and hath not placed therein any crookedness) He did not reveal it as different from the Torah, the Gospel or other Scriptures, as far as divine Oneness and the attributes and description of Muhammad (pbuh) are concerned. This verse was revealed about the Jews when they claimed that the Qur'an was different from all previous Scriptures,
62. The Qur’an and the books of the Bible are all as trustworthy, all coming from the Guarded Tablet. Therefore they don’t contradict each other
[21:105] (And verily We have written in the Scripture) in the Psalm of David, (after the Reminder) after the Torah; it is also said that this means: and We wrote in the Psalms and the Scriptures of the prophets after writing in the Guarded Tablet: (My righteous slaves) those who profess Allah's divine oneness (will inherit the earth) the earth of Paradise; and it is said: the righteous slaves from among the Children of Israel will dwell in the Holy Land; as it is said: it is the righteous slaves of the end of time.
63. Jews and Christians had it very easy to have hope for paradise, only if they believed what was in their books
[29:23] (Those who disbelieve in the revelations of Allah) those who disbelieve in Muhammad (pbuh) and in the Qur'an, i.e. the Jews, Christians and all other disbelievers (and in (their) Meeting with Him) and also disbelieve in resurrection after death, (such) who have these traits (have no hope of My mercy) of My Paradise; the reference here is to the Jews and Christians; they have no hope that in Paradise there will be food, drink and sexual intercourse. (For such there is a painful doom.
64. It was recommended to the Muslims to say that they believe in all books and to avoid arguments
[29:46] (And argue not with the People of the Scripture) the Jews and Christians (unless it be in (a way) that is better) i.e. by the Qur'an, (save with such of them as do wrong) from among the delegation of Najran, then you can do so by means of Mula'anah; (and say: We believe in that which has been revealed unto us) i.e. the Qur'an (and revealed unto you) the Torah and the Gospel; (our God and your God is One) He has no son or partner, (and unto Him we surrender) we are sincere to Him in our worship and profession of Allah's divine Oneness, and we believe in Him
65. In the Bible can be found that Muhammad is unlettered
[29:48] (And thou (O Muhammad) were not a reader of any scripture before it) before the Qur'an, (nor didst thou write it with thy right hand, for) if you could read or write (then might those have doubted, who follow falsehood) then the Jews, Christians and idolaters would have doubted, for it is mentioned in the Scriptures of the Jews and Christians that you are unlettered.
66. There were some people who distort the revelations, all of them, but it’s not mentioned lack of trustworthiness for the same
[41:40] (Lo! those who distort Our revelations) those who deny Our signs-Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an-(are not hid from Us) none of their works is hidden from Us. (Is he who is hurled into the Fire) Abu Jahl and his host (better, or he who cometh secure) from the torment (on the Day of Resurrection) this refers to Muhammad (pbuh) and his Companions? (Do what ye will) O people of Mecca; this is a threat made to them. (Lo! He is Seer of what ye do) He will requite your works.
67. Historically people had rejected revelations, so it was not surprise if they rejected the Qur’an which asked to look at previous scriptures
[41:45] (And We verily gave Moses the Scripture) i.e. the Torah, (but there hath been dispute concerning it) concerning the Scripture of Moses; some believed in it while others rejected it; (and but for a Word) to postpone the chastisement of this nation (that had already gone forth from your Lord, it would ere now have been judged between them) the Jews, Christians and idolaters would have been destroyed; it is also said that this means: they would have already been punished for disbelieving, just as were destroyed before them the people who disbelieved their messengers; (but lo! They) the Jews, Christians and idolaters (are in hopeless doubt concerning it) are in manifest doubt concerning the Qur'an; it is also said: concerning the Scripture of Moses.
68. The psalms were part of trustworthy books
[35:25] (And if they) the Quraysh (deny thee) O Muhammad: (those before them also denied) those before your own folk, the Quraysh, have also denied their messengers. (Their messengers came unto them with clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty)) they came to them with commands, prohibitions and signs, (and with the Psalms and the Scripture) and with the events of the Scriptures of the people of old  (giving light) expositing the lawful and the unlawful.
69. The Qur’an was a revelation in the local language, unlike previous books, not contradicting them either
[39:28] (A Lecture in Arabic) a Qur'an in the Arabic usage, (containing no crookedness) not contradicting the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms or any other divinely inspired Scripture in terms of the affirmation of Allah's divine Oneness, some legal rulings and punishments; it is also said that (containing no crookedness) means: it is uncreated-this is the opinion of al-Suddi-, (that haply they may ward off (evil)) by means of the Qur'an that which Allah has prohibited them.
70. The Qur’an is not false as it doesn’t contradict the previous books. So the previous books are to be used as measurement of that statement.
[41:41] (Lo! those who disbelieve in the Reminder) i.e. the Qur'an (when it cometh unto them) when Muhammad (pbuh) took it to them; the reference here is to Abu Jahl and his host, ((are guilty)) and in the Hereafter they will have the Fire of Gehenna, (for lo! It) i.e. the Qur'an (is an unassailable Scripture) a glorious and noble Scripture. [41:42] (Falsehood cannot come at it) it is not contradicted by the Torah, the Gospel or by any revealed Scriptures (from before it) before its revelation (or behind it) and after there will be no Scripture which will contradict it; it is also said that this means: the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and all the Scriptures which were revealed before the Qur'an do not contradict it and there will be no Scripture in the future which will contradict it and, hence, it will remain uncontradicted; and it is also said that this means: Iblis did not come to Muhammad (pbuh) before the coming of Gabriel to him such that he added to the Qur'an, nor did he come to him after Gabriel such that he took away from the Qur'an; and it is also said that this means: the Qur'an does not contradict itself, but rather everything in it is in perfect agreement. ((It is) a revelation from the Wise) in His command and decree, (the Owner of Praise) the Praiseworthy in His acts.
71. Qur’an, Islam and the prophet were exposed on the previous books
[42:14] (And they were not divided) i.e. the Jews and Christians about Muhammad (pbuh) the Qur'an and Islam (until after the knowledge) until after the exposition which is in their Scripture about the attributes and description of Muhammad (pbuh) (came unto them, through rivalry among themselves) out of resentful envy, they disbelieved in Muhammad (pbuh); (and had it not been for a Word) to delay the punishment of this nation (that had already gone forth from your Lord) had already been ordained by your Lord (for an appointed term) until an appointed time, (it surely had been judged between them) He would have already destroyed the Jews and Christians. (And those who were made to inherit the Scripture) and those who were given the Torah (after them) after the messengers; and it is also said: after the generations of old (are verily in hopeless doubt concerning it) concerning the Torah; and it is also said that this means: concerning the Qur'an. [42:15] (Unto this, then, summon (O Muhammad)) summon unto belief in Allah's divine Oneness and to the Scripture of your Lord. (And be thou upright) in your profession of Allah's divine Oneness (as thou art commanded) in the Qur'an, (and follow not their lusts) and follow not the Qiblah and religion of the Jews, (but say: I believe in whatever Scripture Allah hath sent down) of Scriptures to the prophets, (and I am commanded) in the Qur'an (to be just among you) through faith in Allah's divine Oneness. (Allah is our Lord and your Lord) He will judge between us on the Day of Judgement. (Unto us our works) unto us is the worship of Allah and the religion of Islam (and unto you your works) and against you is the worship of idols and Satan's religion; (no argument between us and you) regarding religion. (Allah will bring us together) on the Day of Judgement, (and unto Him is the journeying) and unto Him is the destination of both believers and disbelievers.
72. People of the book who believed are testimony of the trustworthiness of the previous books as well as the Qur’an
[46:10] Say, O Muhammad, to the Jews: (Bethink you) O Jews: (If it is from Allah) if this Qur'an is from Allah (and ye disbelieve therein) and you disbelieve in the Qur'an, (and a witness of the Children of Israel) Benjamin (hath already testified to the like thereof) to the same testimony of 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his followers regarding Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an (and hath believed) 'Abdullah Ibn Salam and his followers believed in Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an, (and ye) O group of Jews (are too proud) to believe in Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an ((what plight is yours)? Lo! Allah, guides not) to his religion (wrongdoing folk) a folk that does not deserve it.
73. People of the book are condemned for not following the truth of the Torah they have had even before the Qur’an was revealed
[46:12] (When before it) before the Qur'an (there was the Scripture of Moses) the Torah, (an example) to be emulated (and a mercy) shielding from chastisement for those who believe in it. But they did not believe in it nor took it as an example to be emulated; (and this) Qur'an (is a confirming Scripture) it confirms the Torah in the call to belief in Allah's divine Oneness and in the attributes and description of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (in the Arabic language) in the Arabic usage, (that it may warn those who do wrong) the idolaters (and bring good tidings for the righteous) bring the good tidings of Paradise for the believers.
74. Muhammad is found in the Torah
[46:30] (They said: O our people! Lo! we have heard a Scripture) we have heard the recitation of a Scripture, meaning the Qur'an (which hath been revealed) to Muhammad (pbuh) (after Moses, confirming that which was before it) confirming the message of Allah's divine Oneness and the attribute and description of Muhammad (pbuh) found in the Torah, because they believers in Moses, (guiding unto the Truth and a right road) guiding to a true, established religion with which Allah is pleased, i.e. Islam.
75. Some people concealed (hide) the description of the prophet in the Bible
[57:24] (Who hoard) who conceal the traits and description of the Prophet (pbuh) in the Torah (and who enjoin upon the people avarice) in the Torah by concealing the traits and description of the Prophet (pbuh). (And whosoever turneth away) from faith, (still Allah is the Absolute) He is free of the need for his faith, (the Owner of Praise) for he who declares His divine Oneness; and it is said the Owner of Praise with regard to His acts, for He gives thanks for very little and rewards it abundantly.
76. 24 monks in the Yemen and when they heard of the Prophet (pbuh) they believed in him and joined his religion. This people did believe in the Gospel they have had.
[57:27] (Then We caused Our messengers) one after the other (to follow in their footsteps) to follow Noah and Abraham from their respective offspring; (and We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow) these Messenger, i.e. messengers other than the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (and gave him the Gospel, and placed compassion and mercy) towards each other (in the hearts of those who followed him) i.e. who followed the religion of Jesus. (But monasticism they invented) they built monasteries and cloisters to escape the sedition of Paul, the Jew. (We ordained it not for them) We did not enjoin monasticism upon them. (Only seeking Allah's pleasure) they did not invent it except to seek Allah's good pleasure, (and) had We enjoined it upon them (they observed it not with right observance) they would not have given it its right due. (So We give those of them who believe) among the monks (their reward) double for their faith and worship; these are the ones who did not contravene against the religion of Jesus. 24 among these were in the Yemen and when they heard of the Prophet (pbuh) they believed in him and joined his religion, (but many of them) of the monks (are evil-livers) disbelievers, these are the ones who went against the religion of Jesus.
77. Jesus and Muhammad came with clear proofs
[61:6] (And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming) the profession of Allah divine Oneness and some of the laws (that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings) and I have come to you with the good tidings (of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is the Praised One. Yet when he) i.e. Jesus and it is also said: Muhammad (pbuh) (hath come unto them with clear proofs) with commands, prohibitions and the marvels which he displayed to them, (they say: This is mere magic) this is evident magic and lies.
78. The Jews were commanded to reveal the traits and description of Muhammad in the Torah, but they did not do so. The book was not corrupted, they elected not revealing the prophet.
[62:5] (The likeness) the description (of those who are entrusted with the Law of Moses) of those who were commanded to apply that which is in the Torah; i.e. they were commanded to reveal the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) in the Torah, (yet apply it not) yet act not upon what they were commanded, i.e. they did not reveal the traits and description of Muhammad (pbuh) in the Torah, (is as the likeness of the ass carrying books) the ass does not benefit from the books it carries and, similarly, the Jews will not benefit from the Torah. (Wretched is the likeness of folk who deny the revelations of Allah) Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an. This refers to the Jews. (And Allah guideth not) to His religion (wrongdoing folk) the Jews; those who are to die following Judaism, as it is in Allah's pre-eternal knowledge.
