The Keys To Surviving A World In Crisis
Nowadays it is very common to hear about, read or live situations of crisis. Around the world the word crisis is in vogue. Political crisis, economic crisis, health crisis, family crisis, spiritual crisis and many other areas are commonly in crisis. We see many injustices happening closely, many situations that cause sadness. We see how people are manipulated, terrified and biased. In many situations, the unrighteous seem to win and the righteous seem to lose.
Day to day
situations can derail our peace, our health, and our well-being. God does not
want our suffering, but he allows it for our benefit at the end of the day.
With what is happening in the world, it is important to turn more and more
towards God. The closer to God, the fewer things can get in between. One of the
ways to stay close to God is by feeding on the sustenance that his Word
In the Bible we
find a book very applicable to what many people live today: The book of Job.
Job, a man whom God described as "a perfect and upright man, fearing
God and turning away from evil" (Job 1: 8), lived through calamities
that cause much pain. This book has been the subject of study by many
existentialists, and has served as a comfort to many of us in difficulties. This
book is a faith magnifier, highlighting the importance of having patience,
trust and keeping faith in God. It is also a book that presents the importance
of recognizing that our perspective is limited, and that even in the worst of
times we are not alone. God is always with us.
This morning during
my quiet time, I was reading Chapter 11 of The Book of Job, and I felt compelled
to share with you some reflections about it. Here’s a short introduction: after
suffering several personal and family
calamities, Job is visited by two of his friends. In the process of coping with
these difficulties, and as Job's friends try to comfort him, they engage in several
conversations about life. In this way in chapter 13, Zophar speaks to Job. I
want to invite you to remember, beyond anything these are promises of God for
all of us. Perhaps they can give you strength in the midst of the battles you
may be facing:
Job Chapter 11
13 “Yet if you
devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him,
God continually calls us. The first step to
get closer to God is in our heart. God knows the motives of every person. And
to get closer to Him, it is absolutely necessary preparing our hearts. Then you
need to take action, actively seek Him out. Metaphorically extending our hands
to Him looks like a needy child asking his father to pick him up. God is our
Heavenly Father, and He is desiring to take us in his lap.
14 if you put
away the sin that is in your hand and
allow no evil to dwell in your tent,
establishing contact with God, it is extremely important to open up. God knows
what we have done. Repentance for our mistakes is important to maintaining a healthy
relationship with God. It is also as important having a desire to avoid making
those mistakes again as much as possible. Note that God knows and accepts that
we make mistakes, but it is necessary to change our way of life. Likewise, God
asks us not to consent to injustice in our hearts, in our family, in our work,
in our country. For example, it is easy to try to mold God's recommendations in
His word so that they do not affect our lifestyle; This is an example of
indulging in injustice in our hearts.
15 then, free of
fault, you will lift up your face; you will stand firm and without fear.
we have taken these steps, God promises us that we will feel clean, because He makes
us clean. After removing the barriers that distract us or separate us from God,
we will be aware that God -through his blood on The Cross- has paid for our
mistakes. He makes us spiritually clean and righteous. In addition, the fears,
confusions and stress that we may feel will disappear. We know that Jesus gives
us peace, even in the midst of hardship. He gives us peace in a very different
way than what the world gives or promises. And likewise, God promises you that
he will strengthen you, even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of
16 You will
surely forget your trouble, recalling it
only as waters gone by.
it is common to hear misinterpretations of God's promises. God does not promise
that in this world we will get a life without problems if we follow Him. Many
believers have suffered great disappointments, hoping that the result of
approaching God would be not suffering any hardship. Jesus himself said that we
would be persecuted for his cause; physical and spiritual persecution. We live
in a fallen world, a consequence of humanity's mistakes. And even though God
protects us from many things when we are with Him, it does not mean that we
will be free to experience difficulties. God promises us that even when we are
in the midst of trouble, He will give us comfort and strength to cope. In the
same way, He promises us that after the storm passes, we will see that His hand
sustained us all along. We will be able to see that that thanks to Him we could
17 Life will be
brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. 18 You will be
secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in
safety. 19 You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will
court your favor.
three verses seem to me to be the most comforting. Despite the darkness in
which we live, God promises us that He will bring Light, peace, tranquility,
joy, satisfaction. Even when we see that there more problems could be ahead, we
know we can overcome them by seekiing shelter in our God who is called " Strong
promises that we will be able to sleep peacefully, that He will free us from
anxiety if we totally trust Him. These days it is very common to hear of family
or friends having symptoms of depression or having anxiety attacks. A
psychotherapy used to help these symptoms is called "Mindfulness".
This technique attempts to help the patient focus on the present moment, and
avoid the consequences of focusing on the past or the uncertainties of the
future. Interestingly, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus invites us to seek his
Kingdom first, and not to worry about what we have to drink and eat; He will
take care of adding everything we need.
promises that many will see your testimony, and will be surprised at how you
have been able to live in peace. And right there God will use you, so that you
share through your experience how God loves us. You will then share the gospel
and you will be a tool to preach the Kingdom of Heaven.
20 But the eyes
of the wicked will fail, and escape will elude them; their hope will become a
dying gasp.”
does not wish evil on anyone, and He does not want us to wish evil on anyone. He
asks us to pray and intercede even for our enemies. However, God is absolutely
and perfectly Just, and He will not let those who wish to be judged on account
of his actions go unpunished. God cleanses those who seek Him from the heart.
Perhaps the most important thing is not to focus on the perceived success that
apparently certain people achieve without love for God. Rather, we should hope
that one day they turn their eyes to God. Life here is short, and eternity
awaits those who are close to the heart of God.
I hope this article
helpful to you. May God use your life to show His glory. God is with you,
yesterday, today and forever. Whenever you have the possibility to breathe, you
have the opportunity to open your heart to the Lord. Remember that He loves you
and seeks you, that is why He has motivated me to write this artice today.
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