Quran 10:92-94 Is not a clear prophecy; in fact it is not a prophecy.

A study of the Muslim apologetic claim that the Pharaoh's body discovery is fulfillment of Surah 10:90-92 indicates that the claim is flawd. The following issues are found: 1. The alleged prophecy is not absolutely clear: The mummy was not found on the Red Sea Shores and there is still division among scholars about identifying who the Exodus' Pharaoh was. 2. The salt crystals in the mummy does not indicate the Pharaoh died from drowning. 3. The contents of Surah 10:90-92 does not document previously hidden knowledge. Furthermore, Surah 10:90-92 is not the earliest historical writing claiming that the Pharaoh of Exodus drowned and later on was recovered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was sharing the other day with my muslim friend several passages within the Torah referring the person of Jesus. My Muslim friend argued that the prophecies that I was referring to were not very clear, and could correspond of a conspi...