
Showing posts from 2010

Blessed be God's people

The blessings of the chosen people The Middle East conflict is been on the mouth of many people for years. It has had such importance that even the largest powers in the world have been involved from the beginning, though geographically they would not be related in normal circumstances. I really wonder why. Why is there such interest from many people from different regions in the world on Israel. Why so many people hate or love Israel? Looking at the history, this has been a common factor, it’s not something new. The history of Israel has been surrounded by conflict and friction. And the present is not the exception. Some people desires Israel did not exist at all. It’s a common conception to depict The Jews as terrible hypocrite people. After knowing the Word of God I do realize how important Israel is been in the history of humanity, and despite of the paradigms, through the Israelites we have received the blessing of salvation. The name of Israel comes Jacob (Ya’akov as per the Jewi...

La Necesidad de evidencia para construir una fe fuerte Profecias sobre el Mesias – III

Sin importar como, cuando o donde, El Senor tiene un plan para cada uno de sus hijos, para atraerlos a El. Hoy celebramos que Dios, en su infinita sabudiria tuvo, tiene y tendra un plan, y que El hizo un pacto a traves de la sangre de Su Hijo. Es atraves de Su preciosa sangre que aquellos que creen en El tienen el privilegio de ser llamados Hijos de Dios. Y los Hijos de Dios al final de los dias seran testigos del eterno y perfecto triunfo del altisimo. Nadie nace con completo conocimiento de Dios, y nadie esta exento de poner su fe a prueba. Aunque en la fe hay un gran componente de experiencia, tambien hay un gran componente de conviccion procedente de la racionalidad y entendimiento, ya que Dios nos proveyo de inteligencia . Y esa inteligencia debe ser propiamente utilizada, es un regalo que recibimos ya que somos hechos a Su imagen y semejanza (Gen 1:26). La racionalidad es uno de los regalos maravillosos que recibimos de Dios, es un don que utilizamos para Su gloria, como todo otr...

The need of evidence to build a strong faith The Messiah’s prophesies III

The need of evidence to build a strong faith The Messiah’s prophesies III No matter how, no matter when, The Lord has a plan for each one of his sons to bring us close to Him. Today we celebrate that God in his endless wisdom had a plan, and He made a covenant through the blood of the Son. It’s for this wonderful and perfect sacrifice, those who in Him believe have the privilege to be called Son’s of Him, and in the end they will be witness of the eternal and perfect Kingdom of God. No one is born with full knowledge of God, and no one is exempt of having his faith tested. Though in faith there is a large component of experience, there is also a large component of conviction coming from our understanding, through the intelligence God gave us. When He made us in His image and likeliness (Gen 1:26), among other gifts, he gave us a precious gift: rationality. And this rationality allow us to make decisions based on intelligent assessments, despite whatever the final choice is. Therefore, ...
INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL OUTLINE ( STUDY THREE) ATTITUDES SUB TOPIC: A SECRET STRATEGY SCRIPTURE READING: PROVERBS 14:30, 15:15, 17:22 MEMORY VERSE: WHEN A MAN IS GLOOMY, EVERYTHING SEEMS TO GO WRONG; WHEN HE IS CHEERFUL, EVERYTHING SEEMS RIGHT (PROV 15:15 NLT) Our attitudes color our whole personality. We cannot always choose what happens to us, but we can choose our attitude toward each situation. The secret to a good attitude is to fill our minds with what is good. Dwelling on the positives in life gives us proper perspective during hard times. This was Paul’s strategy as he faced imprisonment, and it can be ours as we face the struggles of daily living. Look at your attitudes, and then examine what you choose to focus and dwell on. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS • Tell about a recent day when everything seemed to go wrong. What helped you through that day? • How does the attitude you adopt first thing in the morning affect the rest of your day? • How do the books you ...
Profecias sober el Mesias – Segunda Semana En el mensaje de la semana pasada discutiamos la primera de muchas profecias presentadas por Nuestro Padre Celestial, quien prometio a su pueblo que El Salvador vendria. Para asegurarse que hubiera quien reconociera al Mesias, Dios dejo promesas de claras senales que harian evidente su llegada. Dios desde el principio de los tiempos planeo como dar la Salvacion a la humanidad. Sabemos que Dios eligio a su pueblo para que le adorara, y para que de igual manera trajeran la bendicion para las naciones. Esta promesa fue dad a Abraham, Dios le prometio que el Salvador vendria de su semilla, tal como se discute en Genesis 12:1-3: “Pero el SEÑOR había dicho a Abram: Vete de tu tierra y de tu naturaleza, y de la casa de tu padre, a la tierra que yo te mostraré; 2 y haré de ti una nación grande, y te bendeciré, y engrandeceré tu nombre, y serás bendición. 3 Y bendeciré a los que te bendijeren, y a los que te maldijeren maldeciré; y serán benditas en ti...

The Messiah’s prophesies - Week 2

Last week we discussed the first of a large amount of prophesies who were given by Our Heavenly father to his people to let them know and recognize who The Messiah is when the time had to come. God from the beginning had a salvation plan, and this must be understood. In his almighty perfection, God picked Israel as his people. As such, the savior had to come from within the Israelites. The first promise of this was the announcement given to Abraham, where God promised him the Savior was to come from Abraham’s own seed, as discussed in Genesis 12:1-3 1The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. 2“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 3I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” We have here the call by which Abram was removed out of the land of his na...

The need of evidence to build a strong faith

I was born and grew up in a nation and an environment where being a Christian is a given, at least nominally. While child and teenager I was probably challenged about God’s existence but once cleared about it, I had not been truly questioned about my faith and the why this is the path to God. During the past years The Lord allowed me visiting and living in many places, with different people, different cultures and different believes. It has been already more than 7 years living in places where Christian faith does not have the largest number of adepts. This situation really challenged my view of live and my faith. Throughout the years I was exposed to different versions of what’s supposed to be the way to God: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, you name it. During this period, the most precious gift I received from God was having the Holy Spirit on my side making the truth evident. The Lord guided me to different sources that helped me building up proofs about the Truth. Throughout the differe...


El Papel De La Evidencia en la construccion de una fe seria Naci y creci en una nacion y en un ambiente donde el ser Cristiano es casi garantizado, por lo menos nominalmente. Durante mi ninez y adolescencia recuerdo haber pensado muchas veces acerca de la existencia de Dios. Sin embargo, no recuerdo nunca pensar, por lo menos seriamente, porque el Cristianismo era la fe en la que debia creer. Durante los ultimos anos, El Senor me ha permitido visitar y vivir en muchos lugares,, con gente de diferentes nacionalidades, culturas y creencias, Ya ha sido mas de 7 anos en lugares donde el cristianismo no ocupa el primer lugar en el numero de adeptos. Esta situacion ha sido un reto para mi concepto de la vida y de mi fe. Estos anos han sido claves para observar y conocer otras creencias y fes que profesan tener la clave para acercarse a Dios: Islam, Hinduismo, Budismo entre otras. Durante este periodo, el regalo mas preciado que Dios me dio fue eltener al Espiritu Santo como...