Debunking the Arguments to Debunk Any Missionary - Argument 2 of 5
Dear Ijaz and Beloved reader:
I would like to respond to the second argument from your article 5 Arguments to Debunk Any Missionary. I hope you read my response with a critical and open spirit. I don’t intend to offend anyone with my comments. Rather, shed a different perspective to clarify the apparent issues presented in your article.
I would like to quote from your second argument:
“Argument #2:
According to John 3:16, the Bible says:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16.You must understand that Jesus, according to this verse has died for the sins of the world. Show the Christian this verse and remind them of that. Jesus died for your sins (a disbeliever in Christianity) and for the sins of Christians. He already died for them. Jesus is not going to time travel some 2000 odd years or so ago and on the cross say, “I am dying for the sins of the world, expect that guy!” Therefore let the missionary know that Jesus has already died for your sins and by that very act, you are sinless. At this point the missionary will stop and say that you either have to ‘accept this gift by believing he is God’, or pointing to the verse and showing you the phrase, ‘that whoever believes in him…’. Stop the man let them know that the verse says that mere belief in him is enough to earn that gift of sacrifice. The verse does not say to believe in him as a God, just mere belief, let the Christian know that by adding the words, ‘belief in him as a God’, that they are perverting their scripture. They will not be pleased and most certainly not be patient. By using this argument, they shall become very uncomfortable and as a result, very incensed. Calm them and by Allaah’s will, your da’wah to them shall open a way of mercy for them.”(End of Quoting)
Now, any passage of the bible if taken on its own could be interpreted on multiple ways. However, there was a reason why The LORD revealed His word to multiple authors and not just one, to insure there was continuity in the message. This is the first and most important point to make here. So, John 3:16 says that God gave his Son Yeshua (Salvation), and that whoever believes in him (in His Salvation) shall have eternal life. In the same way as described on my response to the first argument, translations only can convey part of the message. Therefore we need to revert to the original language, in this case greek. The word believe here is the greek “πιστεύω” (pisteuo). According to the Strong’s Greek Lexicon G4100 this word means to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in. What John 3:16 says is that if you are persuaded by the promised Messiah you will be saved.
The Noble Qur’an give to Nabi Isa the tittle of “The Messiah” (Al-Masih). The Messiah, not A-Messiah. Who was the Messiah? The Messiah is the awaited savior who would bring eternal righteousness, who would finish the transgression, who would make an end of sins, who would make reconciliation for iniquity, who would bring in everlasting righteousness, and would seal up the vision and prophecy (see Daniel 9). With all respect, do you believe in Him? Are you persuaded by Him and do you consider Him the Messiah? If you do, then you have decided to trust Him to save you. Psalm 18:2 says “The LORD(YHWH) is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” God is our salvation. The Messiah brings salvation bringing reconciliation. Therefore The Messiah has to be God. Are you persuaded by this? We cannot be saved on our own.
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