
Showing posts from May, 2021

Who is your redeemer?

Regardless of what is going on on anyone’s life, everyday is day with a chance. What is the most important chance of life? Believing in God and receiving His Salvation. Yesterday I read a tweet from Rob Robinson (@FairMinded Faith) saying the following: “Imagine that for some, at the end of their life when it's too late, they will discover that they had the key to eternal life all along. In Luke 16, Jesus told the man in hell that he should have believed the Bible, he could have been saved. Today is the day of salvation. Believe!” One of the purposes of this blog is to facilitate yet another channel to share the Good News. God has put in my heart the desire to provide means for many to reflect. I really hope that through reflection, many will come to believe in the truth of the Salvation that God offers us through His Son. Many of us have struggled with how gracious God is. It’s difficult to understand that G...

The Keys To Surviving A World In Crisis

  Nowadays it is very common to hear about, read or live situations of crisis. Around the world the word crisis is in vogue. Political crisis, economic crisis, health crisis, family crisis, spiritual crisis and many other areas are commonly in crisis. We see many injustices happening closely, many situations that cause sadness. We see how people are manipulated, terrified and biased. In many situations, the unrighteous seem to win and the righteous seem to lose.   Day to day situations can derail our peace, our health, and our well-being. God does not want our suffering, but he allows it for our benefit at the end of the day. With what is happening in the world, it is important to turn more and more towards God. The closer to God, the fewer things can get in between. One of the ways to stay close to God is by feeding on the sustenance that his Word provides.   In the Bible we find a book very applicable to what many people live today: The book of Job. Job, a man w...

Las Claves Para Sobrevivir Un Mundo En Crisis

Hoy día es muy común escuchar, leer o vivir situaciones de conmoción. Al rededor del mundo la palabra crisis está de moda. Crisis política, crisis económica, crisis de salud, crisis familiar, crisis espiritual y muchas otras áreas están comúnmente en crisis. Vemos de cerca muchas injusticias, muchas situaciones que causan tristeza. Vemos como la gente es manipulada, aterrorizada y parcializada. En muchas situaciones, los malos parecen ganar y los justos parecen perder.   Las situaciones cotidianas pueden descarrilar nuestra paz, nuestra salud y nuestro bienestar. Dios no desea nuestro sufrimiento, pero lo permite para nuestro beneficio al final del día. Con lo que está pasando en el mundo, es importante tornarnos más y más hacia Dios. Entre más cerca de Dios, habrá menos cosas en medio. Una de las formas de mantenernos cerca de Dios, es alimentándonos del sustento que provee Su Palabra.   En la Biblia encontramos un libro muy aplicable a lo que mucha gente vive hoy: El...

Guaranteed: The Key to know you're truly following God

Have you ever felt you are not good enough for God? Ever thought you do not deserve God’s favor? Have you felt anytime in your life like God should be ashamed of you? In a world where reward is product of our actions, it’s normal to extend this to our relationship with God. Once, a friend of mine told me jokingly but seriously, “I have no forgiveness from God, I’ve done too many bad things, I will never be forgiven”. This happened in an outreach social meeting. A group of Latino believers used to meet from time to time in restaurants, and we invited other Latinos who were not really believers. We invited this friend I’m talking about above, a very vibrant happy man. At least he appeared so to all of us. However, that night when we started speaking about God, he made that statement. It was the product mistaken beliefs and traditions. When he was a child, he was raised by his grand mother. He used to be naughty, and his grandmother used this kind of comments to try to make him...